Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 15

We have been watching our plant grow for 15 days and the progress has been fun to watch. The plants have grown a lot and we have learned all about bean plant growth and graphing the growth that we have been recording. We wrote down the days and the growth each of the plants had. The graph shows all of our recordings.

Day 10

The bean plant is growing steadily and we have been very good about watering it everyday. We are so excited to come in everyday and see what has changed in our plant overnight. We also have been growing some plants in light and some without light to see the differences in growth. We only have been taking pictures of the ones in the light, because the other ones are put away.

Day 5

Our bean plant has been growing since day 1 and we have been watering it everyday. The plant has grown a lot and we are pleased to say it has not died yet. The plant has grown and we are excited to see how big it gets.

Starting our plant! Day 1

Today, we planted our bean plant and watered it. In this blog, as a group we are going to be watching to see how much our bean plant grows over time and record the progress here. We are going to include pictures and graphs so that our classmates can see what our bean plant is up to and they can compare their growth with ours.